For Windows 7, Vista, XP
Page Turning Professional for Office
Turning Maker for All Office format files!
- Why Use?
- Features
- Screenshot
- How It Works
Professional Page Turning Professional for Office Maker, is a innovative conversion tool used to solve the problem of creating Flash Page-Turning book quickly. It supports all office formats, like PDF, CHM, DOC, PPT, TXT, RTF, XLS, etc. The Flash Page Turning software provides you various rich-media options to edit pages and online or offline output types to output digital publishing book. And then you can input Google Analytics ID so you can monitor and analyze the traffic of your online flip book. No flash skill required!
Here are many reasons to choose Page Turning Professional for Office so that you can create amazing digital publishing book to show on your website. All analysis as follows:
Support all office formats
Page Turning Professional for Office application, makes you easily convert any types of office format files into Flash Page-Turning book. It support all office formats, including PDF, DOC, PPT, TXT, RTF, DOCX, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, XML, XSN, PUB, VSD, VDX, CHM. You just need to browse your office file and open it for all pages or single page. If you’d like to add watermark, you can custom a text or image watermark as you required. Turning your Flash book like reading a visual book!
Creating Flash CHM from CHM file

Page Turning Professional for Office software, allow you to import all office format files into design-setting interface. One of the office formats is CHM, which is Microsoft Compiled Html Help file format, can be imported for building Flash CHM in minutes. While converting, the layout, text, images, link of your CHM file can be great preserved on wonderful Flash CHM. With the powerful converter, Flash CHM can be shown on the Web page and share to others via E-mail and social share.
Import Image for creating page flip book
On the menu bar of Page Turning Professional for Office, you can import image for creating page flip book. It supports various formats like jpg, tif, gif, bmp, etc. After adding images on design interface, you can decorate valuable images by use of built-in frames and clip art, or adjust page setting as your need. And then you can convert beautiful Image into page flip book. Making page flip book with the real page turning effect!
Insert Rich-media on Flash Page-Turning book
Embed hyperlink on digital publishing
With using Page Turning Professional for Office software, you are able to insert hyperlink into pages, no matter Web links, Page links, Email links. You just need to selected links to the pages, choose one of the action type (like go to the page or open a link, etc), and input URL easily. Once converting is done, those hyperlinks you inserted will be shown on output flash book. And then your readers can click on those internal links to the webpage what you need. Better improve product promotion efficiency!
Convert Office to Flash in Batch mode
With using Page Turning Professional for Office, you can batch convert office files into Flash Flip book in a couple of click.
Friendly Google Analytics Integration

Page Turning Office Pro is wonderful software that allows you to integrate Google Analytics account ID in the flash flipping book. So, you may want to know how to operate this function? On Flash control setting panel, you should input your Google Analytics account ID so that you can monitor and analyze the traffic of your online flip book.
Safe and Reliable software
Product features:
Setting Office file before import
- Import file content from office into pageflip book design interface smoothly;
- Import bookmark (table of content) from office into page turning book easily;
- Import links (web links, page links, Email links) into your flash flip book;
- Allow to place a custom text or image watermark to office file;
- Enable your readers search the file content by input keywords;
- Customized the page ranges to import, including all pages (default selection), custom range, or only import 1-10 pages to initial preview;
- Setting page quality and size as you need;
- If you’d like to cut landscape pages into two portrait pages to spread in flash flip book, you should select the options of Detect wide pages.
Setting Image file before import
- Add images, support various formats like jpg, gif, png, etc;
- Various built-in Frames and Clip art to decorate your valuable images;
- Setting page quality and size as you need;
- Adjust page Orientation, Margin, layout Position of images;
- Image Rotation, Image Effect, Image Output options, all let you easy to select;
- Zoom in/out, Crop images easily;
- Change image’s contrast, brightness as you like;
- Select or delete bookmark, quickly name book title and move up/down title;
- Allow to place a custom text or image watermark to images.
Define editing functions
- Add links (web links, page links, and Email links) into pages;
- Add movie (only for FLV format) into pages;
- Add Image album on digital book, like your own photo or company images;
- Add SWF, make your pages more innervations;
- Add sound, setting player skin color when play/stop sound;
- Add YouTube video into flash pages;
- Add Printable Area, select printable area on pages;
- Add button, embed other action expect for above editing functions.
Customize Flash Page-Turning book appearance
- Three page turning book templates for you to choose: Classical, Float, Spread;
- Get more free themes online, just link to our website;
- Support to select button font and color .Support to select title and window’s font and color;
- Support to select bookmark’s font and color;
- Support to select search result font and font color;
- Setting background color between Gradient Color A and Gradient Color B, different Gradient Angle show different effect;
- Book Proportions, adjust page width and height on your flash flip book;
- Book Margins, allows to set the parameters of Top, Bottom, Left, Right Margin;
- Page Shadow, adjust left and right page shadow of your page turning book;
- Right to left, allow your readers read flip book from the last page to first page;
- Hard Cover, turn the page like read a book;
- Single page, read pages one by one;
- Page number, apply for setting different page number types Roman number for catalogue, Arabic for main body;
- Minime style, only show e-book without toolbar and Triangle arrow;
- For protecting the content of flip book, you can create a password for all pages or customized page;
- Input your Google Analytics account ID, so you can monitor and analyze the traffic of your online flip book.
Various output formats
- HTML option, output HTML flipbook which can be viewed on PC online;
- ZIP option, allows to send flipbook via E-mail with zip format;
- EXE option, output it as stand-alone EXE for CD delivery;
- App option, support to use on Mac OS X system;
- Make Mobile Version, create mobile version flash flip book used for mobile phone (iPad, iPhone, Android) readers;
- Burn on CD, burn it to a CD/DVD or use it with an USB storage device.
Other features
- Batch convert office files to Page Flip book with vivid effect;
- Command line entry mode: create e-books without opening window’s desktop;
- ave and open the relevant setting obtains: Project, Theme, Language, and bookmark;
- Bookmark panel, select or delete bookmark, quickly name book title and move up/down title.
Flash Page-Turning book features:
Once your Flash book finished, your viewer can be able to:
- Share with others via E-mail, social website (like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Linkedin, etc);
- Browse page turning book’s title and logo (only in Float template);
- Look for the current page number;
- Play or stop auto flip on your flip book;
- Turn on/off sound from flash flip book;
- Help icon, better tell readers how to use it by pop up message window;
- Enable readers to read in full screen mode;
- Zoom in/out both pages in flash flip book;
- Home button, allow readers link to your website after input page URL;
- Allow readers to print and download page turning book;
- Switchable language icon, enables readers select one of languages which is set by publisher;
- Thumbnails navigation, helps to preview all pages and go to specific pages;
- Various page arrow provided: First, Previous page, Next page, Last page. Click on and go to the pages you want;
- Use mouse wheel, keyboard to get into the page directly.